Friday, October 24, 2008

Fish and Fights.

Following the release of the new pvp system, Blessings swiftly engaged ourselves in a series of conquests in the wilderness. Being a lot stronger than we are before the removal of the pking, we are now finding killing our opponents much easier and a lot faster. I haven't got the time to really go into pking yet, only enjoying the planned events and maybe sudden urges to 2H some people in Lumby for cheap thrill.

our first ever trip to the new pvp wilderness. nostalgia :)

Us, a lot stronger than we used to be.

Last night, Blessings made yet another trip to the wilderness. With our old friend, Form back with us, it was a little like the old times before pking was removed. The trip went off slow, we met 2 rangers at the ruins after some world hopping, and quickly started to reduce their hitpoints. Both got away and we ended up having to regroup since Form and Dg came face to face with a massive 100+ clan. Lucky Form, he made it out with 3hp after being binded when he entered a multi-zone. We met in the bounty hunter arena shortly and got attacked by a 125 and 117. Succumbing to their fierce attacks while wearing robes, Tim's food supply depleted rapidly. Soon, Tim had to teleport, and it was just Dg and me left to deal with those 2 players. Dg and me successfully took down the 117 and made off with the loot, leaving the 125 to fume. Soon, we went back to the bounty hunter bank, and after a while of attacking random people, we met the duo again. We got entangled in a bloody match, with the 117 and 125 both on Timmy. Luckily, we could attack the 117, eventually forcing him to teleport away so Tim could deal with the 125 with yet more ease. Soon, the 125 too was left with no choice but to teleport away under Tim's l33tness. Wanting to mess with Blessings, their attack was destined for failure before it even started. The trip soon came to an end when i had to go for dinner.

One of the two players we met at the ruins

Me finishing off the 117, Dg did more damage though.^^

The duo back for round 2, only to end in an inevitable defeat.

Besides,while the frenzy to prepare for my examinations are going on, i had been fishing dutifully. Propelling myself to 86, i could potentially be a contestant for 99 fishing in the clan too. Monks are coming at a steady rate, but the same could not be said for trying to sell them on the G.E. Those poor fishes have definitely seen better days. A few days ago, their prices started plummeting, and in all panic to get the fishes off their hands, it seems that some fishermen have fallen prey to their own panic attacks and sold the fishes at low prices, causing the prices to *oh no* nosedive. I'll be holding on to my fishes now and look for an opportunity to get them off my hands anytime in the near future.

*throws confetti*

Stuff achieved today : None at the moment. Its 9.30 am, mind you!

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