Sunday, October 12, 2008

Life after the cape.

Now that the cape is resting snugly upon my shoulders, i can finally concentrate on studying. Life had been hectic, so much to the point that i can't really spend as much time as i used on runescape anymore.

So, now when im on RS, im usually fishing, since it allows a great deal of afking while the monks come in as a decent profit. To reward myself every now and then, i also take an occasional break, going for mini-games and the such.

We had our very frist trip to the Chaos Elemental a few weeks ago, it was fun, and very fruitful too. Towards the end of the trip, we even got a D2H drop, split between me, Tim, Dg and Spam. Indeed a l33t trip it is.

Recently, Blessings made a trip to the Castlewars Arena, where our impregnable defense caused the opposing team to end with a score of 0 points on their side. It was fun, ancienting those poor GS-wielders, seeing them not able to do anything despite the oh-so-powerful swords they are holding.






stuff achieved today : nothing much. mindless fishing.

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