Saturday, October 17, 2009


I finally got the cape I had been working towards for the past year, the Strength cape. As usual, I invited members from Blessings, as well as my own friends who were online to join me in the screenshot. Albeit the screenshot going wrong and missing the 99 message, we had a lot of fun enjoying ourselves at clan wars, fighting as a clan, as a group, as friends.
Coincidentally, my character looks rather grumpy in this screenshot. I guess my pixel self was as disappointed as myself for not getting the screenshot.
Still, I had a hell of a time, and thinking back, a realization hit me. It really wasn't about the achievement, the cape, or the maxed stat, it really was about friends who I could share any of these with. The most fun I had throughout the whole day was not the moment I got the level up, it wasn't the moment I got my cape either - I asked them to get ready for clan wars and went to get the cape myself, it wasn't even performing my emote for the first time, it was that extremely close match we fought with a larger clan, and Blessings holding our own ground, dealing almost equal damage albeit we had almost half their numbers.
Thank you all! :)
So, to those who could make it, thanks a lot, you really made my day. To those who couldn't, meh, there will be a next time, and its still gonna be awesome! :D

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