Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hmm, this blog had been left dead for a while, but since I've recently started Runescape again, I think I'll try to keep it going for the time being. :)

I've been doing quite a lot of 26k Pvp trick recently, after being tempted by Tim and Dg's wonderful drops. Surprised to say, the money comes in very easily. Many have argued, however, the easy money has led to the spike in prices of many items, food and potions being one of the categories affected. Countless threads that are unsupportive of this form of money making have also mushroomed in the Official Runescape Forums.

For me, I see their point, but I really do not see why there is a need for such a fuss. One thing I've noticed though, many of the opponents of the PVP trick fall under the "below 100" category and yet most of the trick users I've seen are in the the high 100s.


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